Sunday, May 30, 2010

Checking in…

    I know it has been a few days since I have written….and every day I haven't, I realize I have missed it. I have so much going on the last few days that when I finally sit down to write anything, well I am to tired and tell myself that I will do it in the morning, however, the mornings have not been quiet lately.

    For those of you who follow my blog and those of you who may not follow but still read it, this my way of checking and telling you I am still alive, just rather busy with life. I have several idea's for postings to come hopefully within this next week.

    Today is another busy day, at least until later this evening. My house is almost clean, the laundry almost done, as well as the dishes. Since the house work is so close to being thoroughly completed, I am putting off everything else to get it done. I also have an incentive to help speed the process along. My cousin, who is also my daughter's godmother, is home for a short visit from Germany where her husband is stationed. She is coming by today for a visit and I am so excited! It has been almost a year since we have gotten to see one another and she will be so amazed at the changes in Keira. The only thing I am sad about is that her husband could not come along for the visit.

    Today will be a good but busy day. Look forward in this coming week to some, hopefully, worth wild post.

    Enjoy your day!


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